Sunday, August 23, 2009

Nas Lemak

Day 1 Nasi Lemak

Next day, nasi lemak again..


  1. Hi! :)
    the food LOOKS GD!! although u ate it 'again'... hahaha.

  2. hi Erica, hehe... the colour looks good for the 2nd plate cos i finally found some pandan essence.. it smells real nice when the rice was cooking... but the chicken is yummy... you can try this... marinate the chicken with the normal stuff... ask your mum, she would know.. chinese wine, sesame oil, pepper and soya sauce then coat the chicken with a mixture of flour and curry powder in the proportion 2 : 1 and bake it in the oven, 180 deg, 40 mins... hehe i love doing that cos it is the simplest and turns out to be a popular dish...

  3. HAHA. okie! thanks for the recipe. i would comfirm+guarantee buy your cook book if it's published... XD
