Monday, September 7, 2009

Sydney Here We come.... 5 Sept 2009

Sydney Here We come.... 5 Sept 2009

A bright and sunny day in both Wollongong and Sydney.

Wollongong is sunny and windy hence it is cold. Not very smart of us to wear only short sleeves tops... So we had to brave the wind. But the pretty flowers we saw in Wollongong made up for it all. Wollongong is a picturesque place with many small little towns connecting each other. There was even a huge potato that was a mascot for a town. Guess it must be their produce.

We went to the largest temple in the Southern Hemisphere, Nan Tien Temple. Tranquil place. The red lanterns are very interesting for they carried wishes of people.

We wanted to take the Grand Pacific Drive to Sydney but decided against it for it would be another 140kms. So we just continued our trip to sydney.

In just months, we would be returning home and hence we decided to take some pictures at Haymarket, my favourite place with their good chinese vegetables. More varieties and the chilli padis are hot and really hot hehe... bullet chillis in canberra just dont give u the spiciness. So i try to make it a point to buy chillis from my favourite stall when i go sydney. But the previous time i did not get to do it as he just dont want to be at the market. He wanted to have nice dinner and wonder about.

Look at the fresh green brocooflower... real interesting... i wonder how they cook it...

Globe grapes... his favourite...

Pretty Tulips at a good price...

The rest of the flowers...

Fudge of the Month at Sydney Convection Centre, Fudge Factory

Sinful Fudge...

Sambal Chicken

Salt and Pepper Prawns

My Lunch at Sydney Fish Market..

Grilled Lobster with Garden Salad and Chips... Yummy!

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