Saturday, May 2, 2009

Melbourne - ANZAC Day Long Weekend

Melbourne - ANZAC DAY Long Weekend

What is ANZAC day?
Anzac Day is a national day of remembrance in Australia and New Zealand, and is commemorated by both countries on 25 April every year to honour members of the ANZAC who fought at Gallipoli in Turkey during WWI. It now more broadly commemorates all those who died and served in military operations for the country.

Food during ANZAC day : The ANZAC biscuits

At the Melbourne Airport - Sculptures of Geelong. While waiting for our transfer to the hotel to arrive

St Paul's Cathedral - Day Scene

St Paul's Cathedral - Night Scene

Flinder Station, finally a shot with the blue sky...

The State Library

The State Library

Opposite the State Library. On this copper bench.

The once magnificent Parliament House is now a building for touristy photos.

Outside the City Museum of Melbourne

Princess Theatre opposite the Old Parliament House of Victoria, now the Parliament House has shifted to Canberra, ACT.

Winsor Hotel

Federation Square - Opposite Flinder Station. (Where the visitor centre is located)

The day scene of Yarra River and the skyline of Melbourne.

Opposite Federation Square

The City Circle Tram - Our main mode of transport during our stay in Melbourne.

Inside the nostalgic Circle Line tram that traversing through the heart of Melbourne.

The Horse Carriage - akin to Cinderalla's Pumpkin Coach?

The Museum of Melbourne, doesnt this photo look a little familiar?

The beautiful lavender in full blossom at the Carlton Garden

Outside the Public Bath of Melbourne, the wind is blowing so hard that i had to resist the wind.

Haigh's chocolates... hehe i can even get them without going to Adelaide... Yummy, me being me, bought chocolates... without the fear of getting heatiness.

Yummy delicious ice cream. 3 scoops in a cone... Tutto Bene, an italian cafe.

The luxurious interior of the Crowne Hotel and Casino

Night scenery of the Yarra River bank (taken from the Flinder Station)

Authentic Chicken Rice from Malaysia...

My sizzling plate of sambal prawns... yummy... especially when the temperature is only 10 degree outside.

Last photo at the melbourne airport before we head back home to canberra... a frosty and cold week ahead... but luckily, the sun is coming out, only for a short duration of the day.

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